Friday, August 21, 2009

skin deep

friday horrible for some freshmen haha red beanie missed him damn!! eeehh wtv....after school almost wasted a good day soo...hitup austin bike to sacs for the hook up...feastedlike hobos then biked through springstowne thought of some memorys there....biked up that fat ass hill on tenesse without stoping bombed it almost ate it .....sesion at wardlaw for a bit till jp and chris got there hit up the skate park jp calls we head up to bethel then go to dollets boyfriends house haha julian but he wasnt there then desire shows up next door took some pics played ball laughed at guy washing his far for days then hit up mc donals saw some freshmen talkd to shane-o made his gay coworker mad uhm jp played freshmen in skate....road home through columbus hella cramping up tire pops going down columbus almost died!! walked home through creepy ass neighbor hoods got home whent to austins then whent to swim at blue rock everything was off still swam dipped to hella places then whent home at 1..... the end pictures solen from jp

hella funny
jp ride fixed...whaaat
keo? looks good tho
haha another moded pic

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