Friday, September 25, 2009

crackn part 1

whent to school was preety fun friday was jerkn and shit at lunch new move jerk circle haha got done with the day whent to work for an hour 10$ baby haha then whent to jasons house for boxing it was ant vs miles jason vs miami me vs jaime and byran vs mathis shit was fun....dipped back home whent to the football game foo free it was okay same old shit...after the game talked to people saw a pimp guy haha waited for ahilw for gabe....dipped to alexis telle thing it was me,aus,gabe,chris,axl,enzo,bern,sam,abbie,alexis friends and some seniors stayd up till 4 or 5 didnt drink much was fun just watching people haha then carried on to the next day......

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