Sunday, February 21, 2010

golden days

the times are coming to an end on friday i was reminded of that...these days are the best of our lives i had hella fun...we need to make them last.make things crackn every week only one more year till were seniors i already am starting to miss these last days of being a junior its gone by way to fast... =)= bitter/sweet

Friday, February 19, 2010


today was a little junior ditch day type of thing for knar basically met up at ihop head to walnut creek then head to the city shit was fun.whent to twin peaks dorve around hella ...first time driving in the city hella scarry .....head back whent to round table on the way back....smashed back to vallejo....i dont mind doing that again haha bouta hit the jacuzziii later dont care if its raining.....gave up dranks and droo for lent man thats such a hard thing to do!! ooh i need a certain chick to chill with too haha

Sunday, February 7, 2010

u a shitty friend real talk

you know i dont give a fuck bitch! im annoyed with some friends any ways if im a shitty friend its cos your a fuckn shit head fucker!!!


Saturday, February 6, 2010